How Virtual Pet Exams Are Beneficial

How Virtual Pet Exams Are Beneficial

How Virtual Pet Exams Are Beneficial

How Virtual Pet Exams Are Beneficial


Your pet deserves quality pet health care. In case there are circumstances that prevent you from going to a veterinary clinic, you can consult a licensed veterinarian online. Virtual pet exams are highly advantageous, especially if you’re currently in another country, or if you’re mandated to stay at home. If you want to engage in virtual pet exams, let’s discuss how these online sessions can benefit you and your pet.



You can have virtual pet exams online, from anywhere you are, at any time you prefer. All you need to do is check the available dates for your veterinarian and choose whichever fits your schedule. Once the schedule is finalized, you can then prepare your pet and yourself for the virtual pet exam, without leaving your current location. By the end of the exam, your veterinarian will send you a complete summary.



Once a schedule is set for the virtual pet exam, you just have to prepare for a video conference or a phone call with your vet. If there is a need to supplement the call with more videos and photos of your pet’s case, you could just send them over. Your veterinarian can enter the details for the follow-up virtual appointment. Through the Pet Desk app, you can even get reminders for the next session.


Rapid Response

You can start a new consultation, especially if there are new symptoms you and your vet didn’t cover during your previous session. You can send your virtual consultation to your veterinarian immediately through the Pet Desk app.

Your vet will review the details of your consultation and discern what possible treatment options are available for your pet. You can send a message to your vet through instant messaging. Your vet can message you back or schedule a phone or video call with you if necessary.



Almost immediately, your veterinarian can update your pet’s care plan, especially if your pet needs new treatments. With the Pet Desk app, you can always check on your pet’s treatment plan, even from your mobile device, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.



It is undeniable that you save resources and time when you resort to virtual pet exams. Going through a conventional pet exam needs a lot of time. Usually, you prepare yourself, your pet, and even other family members first before you drive to the clinic. It also requires money to transport yourself and your pet to the vet. With a virtual pet exam, you spend little and get results without additional stress.


You can maintain your pet’s optimal health even if you don’t leave your home or even if you and your pet are away. We, at Port Royal Veterinary Hospital, make sure that your pet receives only high-quality pet health care even without conventional physical examinations. Feel free to call us at 843-379-7387, to know more about our Pet Desk virtual pet exams. You can also drop by our hospital in Port Royal, South Carolina, for walk-in consultations.