Surgery Suite

Surgery Suite

Surgery Suite

Surgery Suite

Pre-Surgery Instructions and what to expect

  1. Patients scheduled for surgery or dentistry should receive no food after midnight the night before the procedure.

  2. Water is okay.

  3. Patients are admitted between 7 and 7:30 AM the morning of the procedure.

  4. At the time of admission, the technician or assistant will review the planned procedure and permissions with you and answer any questions you may have. You will then go back up front to pay for your treatment plan prior to leaving.

  5. Your pet will go back to the treatment area to have a pre-anesthesia exam by the doctor and their blood work will be reviewed to finalize their individual anesthesia or sedation plan.

  6. Procedures are done between 8 am and 1 PM.

​​​​​​​What happens with my pet on surgery day?

A sedative/pain relief premedication injection is given to help them relax and be comfortable for their procedure. An IV catheter is placed to provide access for fluids and medications during surgery. An injection is given through the IV to induce anesthesia, and an endotracheal tube is placed to protect the airway and provide oxygen and anesthetic gas. Maintenance of anesthesia with gas allows quicker safer recovery once surgery is complete. We use isoflurane gas which is one of the safest available. Local anesthetic blocks are used when appropriate to assist in pain control. Medications are also given to control nausea, pain and inflammation.

During any procedure with sedation, one of the medical staff is assigned to constantly monitor your pet’s vital signs as well as using electronic monitors to observe the EKG, pulse rate, oxygen level, temperature, and blood pressure. IV fluids support organ function and blood pressure, while warming systems help keep body temperature stable.

When your pet is awake we will give you a call to let you know how the procedure went, and schedule a discharge appointment for later in the day. Before discharging your pet, one of our medical staff will go over any instructions or medications with you and answer any questions you may have.

At Port Royal Veterinary Hospital in Port Royal, SC, our experienced doctors and staff are proud to offer complete veterinary medicine catered to the specific needs of your pet.